Friday, July 9, 2010

Visitor 7/9/10

Connie came to visit again. She loved us up, told us she missed us and didn't cry. She gave us some water and cleaned the litter box. She said she is very worried about Chance not getting enough to eat. She said Chance looks the same as when she dropped us off at Kellie's. She said I didn't look the same - I had grown and matured and gotten fat. Connie said I must be getting to the food before Chance. I was happy to see her, but Chance just let Connie hold her and then she went and hid. I am getting anxious to go back to my home. Connie said our old house is gone, but a new one will take its place and this will become our home. I am happy to have a new house and look forward to moving day. Bet Kellie and Nala are looking forward to that day too.


1 comment:

  1. WOWZER! A new house, really? That is so cool! I bet Mike and Beth won't get me a new house. You are so lucky!
