Monday, April 26, 2010

Close to back to normal

We are getting close to being back to normal. Russ came home today and is taking it easy. Chance is curled up on a blanket on top of his couch. She is keeping a close eye on him. I am just laying on the printer telling Connie what to type.

I overhead them talking today and they were saying things are going to start moving a little faster now. I have watched Russ walk across the room and he is not moving any faster, so I am not too sure what they were talking about. I do know that we are moving and going to get rid of this house and get a new one. I guess Chance and I are going to move, too. We have been "invited" to stay with Kellie and Nala in their spare room. Connie said we have to be very good kitties so I will do my best. Chance will hide and not come out very often, but Connie said the room has windows so we can look outside and see what is going on in the neighborhood. She will visit us often, too, and that is good.

We had some strange deer come through the yard and when Connie went out to put some food down, they took off and ran down the ditch and into the woods. Then our regular doe came and ate some food. She didn't have her two friends with her, but I am sure they will come sometime.

All for now


1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a good time on your vacation....with Kellie in the mix I am sure you will!
