Friday, November 5, 2010

We are getting used to the new house now. Chance is much more comfortable with it. Looking back, I enjoyed my time with Kellie and Nala, but it sure is good to be back with Connie again. She really missed us and we missed her. We are now both sleeping with her. Me at the foot of the bed in my normal place and Chance curled under the top blanket so she will be warm and cozy. I have spent many nights sprawled across the computer monitor just like my picture but now I take up a little more space. I am a big cat rather than a small kitten. I can honestly say I have explored the entire house. We have a space above the cabinets in the kitchen and Connie has put some of her casserole carriers up there. They are wicker baskets and don't make any noise when they hit the floor - both times. Yep - got in trouble for that one. She wanted to see me up there but I am slicker than that. I do it at night so when it is morning - lo and behold, there are baskets on the floor! Pretty smart I think.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are getting use to your new house. I bet you are SOOOO happy to be with Connie again. I don't know what I would do without Beth. Of course, I think she would miss me more! Have a fun weekend!
