Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas is over at this house

Hi all,

Well, I found out that when Connie gets upset, she can be violent! She hit me twice on the nose yesterday while I was trying to help her pick up some thin, sharp, shiny things from the carpet. I tried to tell her I was just trying to help, but she was soooo mad, she just didn't listen. Let me start by saying, she is sick and kind of drags herself in to the house - well, yesterday she did. Today is better! Anyway, she came into the living room and laying on the floor next to Shadow was the Christmas Tree. Surrounding the tree were all these pieces of shiny things - sharp little buggers too. She asked Shadow if she did it and Shadow just laid there looking at her - I guess that means the cats did it. I haven't quite figured out how that all works, but anyway, she knew Shadow hadn't done it. Along with losing some of those shiny balls from the tree - the tree stand broke so it can't be used again. I heard her tell Russ it was a cheap tree anyway, so I don't know why she was so upset. She said it was one less thing to pack - I don't know where she is going but she was planning to take the tree with her and now she is not. I sure hope I get to go! I would be sad if she left me behind. Guess this means we will get a new tree next year. Sure hope she doesn't want to get a new kitten or cat too! I better go - Happy New Year. Tigger

1 comment:

  1. I think it was Deerfoot not you Tigger. You don't EVER do anything bad! I don't know what Connie was thinking! I will put my new CSI (Canine Sniffing Investigator) hat on and get right on this case. You MUST be proven innocent!!!! I'll let you know what I come up with. By the way, Happy "Newf" Year, my new little friend!
