Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just a note from Me

Hi everyone,

It is me, Tigger, again. I am so settling into this new life of mine. I just love it. I still have not gotten any welcoming signs from Chance, but I can grab onto Shadow's leg and walk around with her. She doesn't like it very much, but she tolerates it.

I got caught licking peanut butter off a piece of Russ' toast the other morning. To say he was not happy is putting it mildly. I thought if it is on the TV tray, then it must be for sharing, but I was so wrong.

Two little girls came out on Sunday evening. They petted me and were very gentle, but then people kept telling them to be gentle.

I have been following Connie around quite a bit and ended up getting left in a room called the utility room. I don't know how long I was in there, but it sure felt good to come out.

I have been exploring the house and am getting used to the goings and comings of everyone. My favorite time is about 8:30 or 9 when it is dark and we all settle down to watch some TV. I don't have a favorite program, I am just content to sit and watch whatever anyone else is.

Better go for now.



  1. Hi Tigger! I am happy you are getting along so well. I have been thinking about you. Who is Russ? Is he another cat? I like peanut butter too! It's my favorite. If I am really good Mike will give me a taste when he has it on something they call toast. Talk later!

  2. You tell Connie to keep better track of my Tiggie!!
