Friday, September 18, 2009

My new life

Hi all,

Well, I have learned different things from my earlier post. I know who Remington and Beth are, I understand what a porch is, I know what worms are and bananas. So on to other things.

I have found this new living arrangement to be much better than the woodpile. I get all the safe rest I could hope for and although the sounds are strange, no one has bothered me yet. When I was living outside, Connie would bring this huge white thing out almost every day. I growled and hissed and it didn't pay any attention to me. Well, once I got in the house, it didn't seem so big any more and I marched right up to its nose and looked it square in it. The nose is about as big as my head, but I didn't back down. I learned it is a dog and her name is Shadow. There were dogs were I came from but they were always outside. This one lives in the house with me. When I came up to her, she just turned her head away and said "oh no not another one". That was it - I didn't have to growl or hiss one time. I think I have made a friend. Now onto the other cat. Her name is Chance and she has come out of hiding. She growled at me, but Connie told me that once she gets used to me, it will be ok. She looks like she could be a mother-figure. I will watch for welcoming signs from her.

I have had the run of the house since about 3:30 today, but will be sleeping one more night on the porch. It is quite out there and I will be just fine. So Connie and Kellie (met her while I was living in the woodpile and traveling under the hood of Russ' truck) went to a Scentsy party tonight and when Connie came home, she found me all curled up and comfy on the couch. Connie's comment was WFM (apparently Kellie uses this term when she is upset about something at work and it sounds better than other things people might say. It stands for Work Force Management and they are the people who tell Kellie when she can be off the phones - haven't learned about phones yet). I was nice and warm and for those of you who don't know it seems we only have one couch in this house and it belongs to Russ. I tried to help him eat his dinner tonight, too, while he was watching the news and he didn't like me sneaking onto his plate so he tapped me on the nose with a fork. I guess I won't do that again, but I wasn't mad at him and he didn't stay mad at me so that is why I settled down with him. Connie said I was her kitty, but it looks like I will be friends with Russ, too.

All for now - it is bedtime for this little Tiger Kitty.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are liking your new home! I thought you would. Have you met the little people yet? I know Connie has some that come over. We have two and they are named Bailey and Trevor. They are FUN!!!! And they ususally sneak treats to you, if you are good! I hope you have a fun weekend!
