Oh yes, I really got caught. Connie got up to go to the bathroom about midnight and had to step over Shadow who was sleeping outside her bedroom door. When she came back, she had to step over her again and when she did, I popped my little head up. Shadow didn't even know I was there and she was so warm with all that thick white fur. When I lifted my head, she got up and moved. I think Connie wanted to get a picture but I am sure I would have moved before she could get the camera.
Chance and I are getting along better. I still want to push this friendship, but have been content to sit back and wait for her to really accept me. Connie said she accepted Nala when Kellie first brought her here so maybe she will finally accept me too. I hope so.
Well, all for now.
Wow, you are a playboy already? I haven't even made it THAT far yet. You are lucky! Can I have your autograph?