Connie is doing much better and says she can hardly wait to meet with the heart doctor (she had a big word for it but it means the same thing) so maybe he can tell her when she can go back to work. She keeps saying she needs to be stronger but from the looks of things, I think she is getting there. I have been helping her so much. I sit on the counter while she is making herself some lunch (Russ isn't within looking distance when this happens as he doesn't like me on the counters/table). I still supervise every bite but got into some hot cottage cheese the other day and didn't care for it. She gave me some bread to make up for it. I have loved sleeping on her lap in the glider in the living room. She isn't in it very long most days, so I have to take advantage of it when I can. I was locked up in the bathroom the other day so she and a friend could make some cookies. They made four different kinds. My fav is the peanut butter ones. Last night Todd came out with some cookies/candy from Heather and her mom's annual cookie/candy making day. I didn't get to sample any of them, but my time is coming. I also supervise her taking a shower and really scared her one day. She reached for the shower door to open it and when she touched it, her hand started to shake uncontrollably. She was really scared and wondered what was happening to her. Come to find out, I was on the outside trying to get in and pushing on the door - hard - it moved and rattled and I kind of liked the sound. Needless to say, she was not happy with me, but glad it wasn't a problem with her. I am looking forward to Christmas and company on Christmas Eve. I don't know what we are going to have to eat but I heard Connie taking about some new recipes so hopefully I will get to sample them.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
December update
It is nice to have Connie back home with us. We really missed her while she was in the cities. I have been keeping close to her and have tripped her a couple of times, but she walks slow when I am around so she must be watching out for me. I have been personally supervising her diet and she is doing very good on it. She is eating whole grain breads, vegetables, chicken and of course turkey. I have sampled just about everything she eats. My favorite is the bread and her Special K with strawberries. She has started walking around with the bowl in her hand rather than leave it on the table for me to get into. They are really good and before she puts the milk on them, the strawberries make a nice toy to push around on the floor. Chance and I have been very busy watching the birds in the feeder. They are so busy with the storms that have been coming. I don't get to sleep in the main part of the house any more. I have to stay in Connie's bathroom all night because I want to sleep close to her and she won't let me walk across her chest. That is ok - it won't be long and she will be well enough for me to sleep with her. I cuddle with her when she is in the glider in the living room and I like that. I have gotten even with her for not letting me sleep with her. I knocked on the bathroom door the other morning about 5 and she thought someone was at her outside bedroom door. She really wasn't happy with me. But she loves me anyway.
Friday, November 5, 2010
We are getting used to the new house now. Chance is much more comfortable with it. Looking back, I enjoyed my time with Kellie and Nala, but it sure is good to be back with Connie again. She really missed us and we missed her. We are now both sleeping with her. Me at the foot of the bed in my normal place and Chance curled under the top blanket so she will be warm and cozy. I have spent many nights sprawled across the computer monitor just like my picture but now I take up a little more space. I am a big cat rather than a small kitten. I can honestly say I have explored the entire house. We have a space above the cabinets in the kitchen and Connie has put some of her casserole carriers up there. They are wicker baskets and don't make any noise when they hit the floor - both times. Yep - got in trouble for that one. She wanted to see me up there but I am slicker than that. I do it at night so when it is morning - lo and behold, there are baskets on the floor! Pretty smart I think.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
We have been at this new house almost a week now. Chance just ventured out early this morning to explore. I have explored all around and probably have more to explore. I have had kind of an upset stomach since I ate a bamboo plant or some pieces of it. I am feeling better now but we are confined to the bathroom when we eat for about 45 minutes or so. It is nice to be back with Connie and Russ.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Homeward Bound 2 hours ago
Well, we are home. Kellie shoved us into a huge cat carrier and brought us out here. We were let go in this huge room called a new bathroom. There is a large tub, a shower, lots of space for food, litter box, water, etc. I have gone exploring a little and almost got in trouble in the closet. I tried to get up on a shelf and slipped off. Connie thought I was under the bed so she was pretty surprised. Chance hasn't moved from under the bed since she left the bathroom. We haven't eaten since last night so I am sure we will venture out for our food later this evening or maybe in the middle of the night and we can wake Connie up with our munching. I am sure she won't mind. She was so happy to see us.
Tigger happy to be home even tho it is different.
Tigger happy to be home even tho it is different.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
It's Almost Time!!!
Well Kellie came home today and found Nala and I having a staring contest...we do that often. When she said it was time for dinner and bed I raced her to my food bowl, I am a growing boy and am hungry all the time! She brought our food and water into our room and told us it would not be too many more sleeps and we would be in a new house!!! I was concerned that this new house would be too small for all of us, Russ, Connie, Chance, me, Kellie and Nala!! Kellie explained that she and Nala were going to stay in this house and just Chance and I would be going to the new house to live with Russ and Connie again. I am excited about it but a little scared too. I am excited to get back to a normal routine and sleep on Connie's bed again, but I think I might miss Kellie and Nala, they have been so much fun! Kellie said she would miss both of us too, but she would not be far away and would be able to visit often. Chance told me after Kellie put us to bed, that she was very glad to hear it was almost time to leave here, Kellie is not her favorite person, then again Chance really doesn't like anyone too much. Kellie said things could have been a lot rougher for the two of us, the alternative to living with Kellie and Nala for the summer was going to be crated up in a big metal shed...I don't know about you but I think we got the better deal in all this mess!!! We were warm at night and cool during the day and got to play A LOT!
So as I wrap up this really long post, I look back on this summer and can't believe it went so fast!
Good night all!
So as I wrap up this really long post, I look back on this summer and can't believe it went so fast!
Good night all!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
New happening
Something strange is happening. Connie stopped over yesterday with Kellie. They had been shopping and bought litter and cat food. Not the kind I love but if I have to eat it I will. I don't know why they had to buy the kind that Nala likes. Chance and I don't eat that kind, but guests have to be polite. At least they brought in the kind of litter that we are accustomed to. Connie also took our nice soft warm blankets. She said the weather was nice and we didn't need them anyway. She said she wanted to get the cat hair off of them so she could take them to the laundromat to wash them before we move into the new house. The time must be getting close if she is washing our blankets - come to think of it they really aren't ours. They are hers for her bed. We just use them when we sleep with her. Anyway, maybe we will be leaving here soon. Russ told Connie not until sometime in September, but I heard that is only a few weeks away so maybe he is right. I was happy to see Connie but Kellie left our room door open which she does whenever she is home so I snuggled a bit and then got down and ran into the living room to check out the bags of stuff Kellie had bought and to find Nala.
All for now
All for now
Friday, July 9, 2010
Visitor 7/9/10
Connie came to visit again. She loved us up, told us she missed us and didn't cry. She gave us some water and cleaned the litter box. She said she is very worried about Chance not getting enough to eat. She said Chance looks the same as when she dropped us off at Kellie's. She said I didn't look the same - I had grown and matured and gotten fat. Connie said I must be getting to the food before Chance. I was happy to see her, but Chance just let Connie hold her and then she went and hid. I am getting anxious to go back to my home. Connie said our old house is gone, but a new one will take its place and this will become our home. I am happy to have a new house and look forward to moving day. Bet Kellie and Nala are looking forward to that day too.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Another visit from Mom!!!
Connie stopped by again today. She doesn't come very often and we usually end up wet when she does come. Neither one of us like to get wet, but we were glad to see her. She gave us lots of hugs and I purred in her ear. She liked that. She was able to hug Chance only because Chance tried to sneek down from the window and Connie caught her. Only one hug for Chance because she took off as soon as Connie put her down. I just came around for more. She said I am getting big. I am almost a year old according to the people she stole me from, but not quite a year if you cound the day she found me in the wood pile. She said it won't be long after my wood pile birthday before we are all home again in a new house. I don't know what a new house is but if it brings us all back together again, I am all for it. Bring it on!!!! Hopefully when we are all back together, Chance and I won't get wet when Connie hugs us!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Mom stopped by today. I was so happy to see her and so was Chance. We were waiting by the door so when she came in we could go right to her. She was happy to see us, too. She gave us some water, scratched my tummy and hugged Chance and watched us drink water. Then she left. It was so good to see her.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Eating on a 'pee pad'?????
Well there has been a change and I am not real sure I like it!
Kellie came home tonight to find that Chance and I had decided to dump our water bowl all over our eating this isn't REALLY a big deal...except this is the second time she has come home to a wet floor. Ooops!!
She cursed a little bit this time and brought our mat outside as it was too wet to leave on the floor. She took away our water bowl and we now have to share a food bowl. We used to have our own food bowls.
Then she put our bowls on something she called a 'pee pad' um I don't know about you but I don't really think anyone should be EATING on something called that!!!! I am a little bit alarmed!
Kellie was cleaning out our litter box and I was checking out this new eating situation. I wound myself around her legs and purred cause I was afraid she was really mad at us. I don't think she is cause she picked me up and turned me onto my back and rubbed my tummy...I LOVE that!! Now I am sitting at the computer blogging and trying to get Nala to like me. She is a tough cookie, that La!! She sits under the couch and glares at me with a scary stare!! Sometimes she growls. I think it's kind of funny, so I sneak in for a closer look! Ha ha, that doesn't make her happy!
Well I am off to re evaluate this eating situation Chance and I have now!
All for now,
Tiggie (that's what Kellie calls me, I think I like it!)
Kellie came home tonight to find that Chance and I had decided to dump our water bowl all over our eating this isn't REALLY a big deal...except this is the second time she has come home to a wet floor. Ooops!!
She cursed a little bit this time and brought our mat outside as it was too wet to leave on the floor. She took away our water bowl and we now have to share a food bowl. We used to have our own food bowls.
Then she put our bowls on something she called a 'pee pad' um I don't know about you but I don't really think anyone should be EATING on something called that!!!! I am a little bit alarmed!
Kellie was cleaning out our litter box and I was checking out this new eating situation. I wound myself around her legs and purred cause I was afraid she was really mad at us. I don't think she is cause she picked me up and turned me onto my back and rubbed my tummy...I LOVE that!! Now I am sitting at the computer blogging and trying to get Nala to like me. She is a tough cookie, that La!! She sits under the couch and glares at me with a scary stare!! Sometimes she growls. I think it's kind of funny, so I sneak in for a closer look! Ha ha, that doesn't make her happy!
Well I am off to re evaluate this eating situation Chance and I have now!
All for now,
Tiggie (that's what Kellie calls me, I think I like it!)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Company agan!
Connie came again tonight. I was so glad to see her. She held me and petted me, gave us treats, cleaned the litter box and snatched Chance when she wasn't looking. Chance cuddled in her arms and got a little wet, but everyone was happy.
Monday, May 17, 2010
A familiar visitor
Connie came to visit us today. She has come before, but I just haven't mentioned it. She was so happy to see us and I was soooo happy to see her. I got up in her arms and just laid there and purred. Chance sat back and when Connie leaned towards her, she walked off. I guess she is still mad. I got wet again and Connie said she was sorry. She said that a lot when we were locked in the bathroom at home. I guess we won't have a home in a little while until the new house is built. Connie keeps telling us about it, but she acts like she doesn't believe it will happen and she just seems so sad. Kellie has told us that it is going to happen and her mom is just going through a little house withdrawal but she will be much better by the end of summer. I sure hope so. Cats don't like water you know and this water is pretty salty. I just have to keep coming up to her and giving her hugs right back and all will be well. Connie had a birthday yesterday and I forgot to call her and wish her well, but I told her today. She was happy.
All for now
All for now
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Training in a new man is tough!!
Well here I am, situated at Kellie and Nala's house!! I am training Kellie to help me with my blog, its tough to train in a new man..I mean woman!!
Last night was good, Connie told us to be good quiet kitties because Kellie has to get up early and go to work. Chance and I were so quiet I am pretty sure Kellie thought we ran away! She came in this morning to check on us and I was so happy to see her, I begged her not to go to work!
So tonight as I try to tell Kellie what I want posted, I am learning who the queen is of THIS house. Nala is not happy that I am here but as I recall, Chance was not happy when I came out of the woodpile either!! Nala and I are keeping our distance but Kellie keeps dishing out the treats, so I can't stay away long!!
Kellie calls Nala, La, and it makes me think of singing! That brings me to my new found talent! This morning I heard Kellie singing, I thought she was doing such a good job but could use a little Tiggie flare so I joined in from my bed!!
Well I think I have had enough excitement for tonight, I have to sit down and teach Kellie how to post some pictures...that's going to take some time!
All for now,
Last night was good, Connie told us to be good quiet kitties because Kellie has to get up early and go to work. Chance and I were so quiet I am pretty sure Kellie thought we ran away! She came in this morning to check on us and I was so happy to see her, I begged her not to go to work!
So tonight as I try to tell Kellie what I want posted, I am learning who the queen is of THIS house. Nala is not happy that I am here but as I recall, Chance was not happy when I came out of the woodpile either!! Nala and I are keeping our distance but Kellie keeps dishing out the treats, so I can't stay away long!!
Kellie calls Nala, La, and it makes me think of singing! That brings me to my new found talent! This morning I heard Kellie singing, I thought she was doing such a good job but could use a little Tiggie flare so I joined in from my bed!!
Well I think I have had enough excitement for tonight, I have to sit down and teach Kellie how to post some pictures...that's going to take some time!
All for now,
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Moving Day
I, along with Chance, have moved out of the only home I have ever know - including the woodpile. There were a lots of tears - not from us you can bet on that!!!! We have moved into town - we are now city dwellers! We have our own room with a million places to get into and snoop around and sleep. We have our own window that we can jump up and look out. I know we are guests and we will try our best to be good guests. We are living with Kellie - she is nice to me but Chance hates her. I think it is because she always asked Chance if she wants a hug and Chance doesn't like hugs from anyone. We spent the last couple of days in the bathroom - had a nice place to sleep and plenty of food and water, but there isn't much room in there. Connie would come in and hold us and tell us she was sorry and then we would get all wet. I think she will miss us, but she brought us there so she can find her way back. Well, I am going to sign off for now. Kellie will take over the blogging for me and according to her I will have a ton of stuff to say. I think I am glad to have Kellie blog for me, but I am sure Connie will be sad and will cry - she does a lot of that lately. Connie's good friend Judy tells her to keep her eye on the prize. Connie is doing that, but she says it is hard to leave the house where she raised her babies. I hope she is talking about me and Chance!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Close to back to normal
We are getting close to being back to normal. Russ came home today and is taking it easy. Chance is curled up on a blanket on top of his couch. She is keeping a close eye on him. I am just laying on the printer telling Connie what to type.
I overhead them talking today and they were saying things are going to start moving a little faster now. I have watched Russ walk across the room and he is not moving any faster, so I am not too sure what they were talking about. I do know that we are moving and going to get rid of this house and get a new one. I guess Chance and I are going to move, too. We have been "invited" to stay with Kellie and Nala in their spare room. Connie said we have to be very good kitties so I will do my best. Chance will hide and not come out very often, but Connie said the room has windows so we can look outside and see what is going on in the neighborhood. She will visit us often, too, and that is good.
We had some strange deer come through the yard and when Connie went out to put some food down, they took off and ran down the ditch and into the woods. Then our regular doe came and ate some food. She didn't have her two friends with her, but I am sure they will come sometime.
All for now
I overhead them talking today and they were saying things are going to start moving a little faster now. I have watched Russ walk across the room and he is not moving any faster, so I am not too sure what they were talking about. I do know that we are moving and going to get rid of this house and get a new one. I guess Chance and I are going to move, too. We have been "invited" to stay with Kellie and Nala in their spare room. Connie said we have to be very good kitties so I will do my best. Chance will hide and not come out very often, but Connie said the room has windows so we can look outside and see what is going on in the neighborhood. She will visit us often, too, and that is good.
We had some strange deer come through the yard and when Connie went out to put some food down, they took off and ran down the ditch and into the woods. Then our regular doe came and ate some food. She didn't have her two friends with her, but I am sure they will come sometime.
All for now
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sad and lonely around here
It is pretty quiet around here. Shadow is gone. I thought for a while that she had been packed into one of the thousand boxes we have in the house, but Connie told me she is with Heidi and Tinkie. She said they were waiting for her by the Rainbow Bridge. I wanted to go play with them but Connie said not yet. So I know she is not in any of the boxes, but I sure want to find her at the Bridge. Connie said Shadow will be waiting for me when it is time for me to go there. Shadow will know and will bring Tinkie with her.
Another thing happened, Russ disappeared, too. I am pretty sure he isn't in any of the boxes and I don't think the Rainbow Bridge is for him so I had to ask Connie about that too. She said Russ had a "take down" surgery yesterday. Take down - don't understand that so she had to explain that before I was found in the woodpile, he had surgery for cancer. She said he was put back together yesterday like he should be. Hmmm - I didn't know he was in more than one piece. Do they use super glue?? She laughed at me and explained it a little more. I guess I don't understand, but then maybe I really don't need to. All I know is that he is getting better and Connie was exhausted yesterday and slept so hard that I walked on her and meowed several times before she woke up this morning. She said she felt refreshed and had slept the best ever for a long time. I don't want her to sleep that hard again, as when I am hungry, I expect her to be up and getting me food. She and Chance were sleeping so soundly when I started walking on her but by the time I got her awake and she went into the bathroom to fill my food dish, Chance was up and waiting for food too. I have never seen Chance wake Connie up so I don't know how Connie knows when to feed her. Chance never made a sound, she was just sitting on the bathroom counter next to her dish. Looks to me like I did all the work and she got some of the benefit too. Haven't decided if that was fair or not, because I was only concerned about my own food. All for now.
Another thing happened, Russ disappeared, too. I am pretty sure he isn't in any of the boxes and I don't think the Rainbow Bridge is for him so I had to ask Connie about that too. She said Russ had a "take down" surgery yesterday. Take down - don't understand that so she had to explain that before I was found in the woodpile, he had surgery for cancer. She said he was put back together yesterday like he should be. Hmmm - I didn't know he was in more than one piece. Do they use super glue?? She laughed at me and explained it a little more. I guess I don't understand, but then maybe I really don't need to. All I know is that he is getting better and Connie was exhausted yesterday and slept so hard that I walked on her and meowed several times before she woke up this morning. She said she felt refreshed and had slept the best ever for a long time. I don't want her to sleep that hard again, as when I am hungry, I expect her to be up and getting me food. She and Chance were sleeping so soundly when I started walking on her but by the time I got her awake and she went into the bathroom to fill my food dish, Chance was up and waiting for food too. I have never seen Chance wake Connie up so I don't know how Connie knows when to feed her. Chance never made a sound, she was just sitting on the bathroom counter next to her dish. Looks to me like I did all the work and she got some of the benefit too. Haven't decided if that was fair or not, because I was only concerned about my own food. All for now.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Lying little thief in this house!
I was told a long time ago that Chance will not eat people food - she told me herself. So today, I am sharing some Cheetos with Connie and Chance came up and when Ilooked up at her to see what she wanted, se took one from me and ate it. I got so mad I moved to the end of the bed and pouted.
I haven't tried to get out any more. It is probably a good thing. Last night there were some coyotes in the back yard and Connie was out there doing wood. She came in and she was pretty scared.
I am glad it is Spring. I like watching all the birds in the yard - I try to stalk them, but I can't get to the through the window.
I guess this is all for now. Happy Easter.
I haven't tried to get out any more. It is probably a good thing. Last night there were some coyotes in the back yard and Connie was out there doing wood. She came in and she was pretty scared.
I am glad it is Spring. I like watching all the birds in the yard - I try to stalk them, but I can't get to the through the window.
I guess this is all for now. Happy Easter.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The question for tonight - has anyone ever been chased around a dark yard by a crazy woman in pink silky pj's and a brown carhart jacket???? Well, I have and it was not a pretty site. She was soooooo angry with me. I got out tonight when Shadow came in. I spent several minutes under the trailer in the yard with Connie asking "where's my kitty". Now when she first found me in the wood pile, I would come running when she said those words, but tonight I just wanted to run around the yard. Not a smart idea. She chased me for a while and then gave up and told me something would drop out of the sky and get me. Then she went in the house. Oh my goodness - the dark yard is a very scary place for a little guy and I was sure something would get me so I headed back towards the house. Pretty soon Shadow came out and when I went up to see her, I was grabbed across my back and hauled up against that brown jacket. I struggled to get down and a hand grabbed my neck like my mother would have carried me. I settled down and didn't fight it any more. We all came in the house but Connie is still mad at me. I am not too sure if I will get to sleep with Connie tonight or not. I might get kicked off the bed. I was glad to see Shadow, but sure was surprised to get caught. At least I got grabbed by Connie and not some big bird.
Tigger the safe and warm kitty
Tigger the safe and warm kitty
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Catching up
I need to catch up on all the goings and comings around here. This moving is for the birds. Chance is so upset and I just follow Shadow around which makes her mad probably because I am hanging onto her leg or her tail. She is a good friend, but I don't think she likes this closeness.
Chance has finally come around - she was hiding and wouldn't even go into the living room because Connie's life size cutout of Dale Jr. was moved from his usual spot to the far end of the living room and Chance thought it was some guy standing there. She even messed on the kitchen floor she was so scared to go through the living room to the bathroom. I felt bad for her. She is pretty set in her ways and doesn't like change. She is in for a big surprise in a month or so.
Speaking of surprises - we send get well wishes to Remington who didn't listen to my words of advice a while back. We all still love you Rem, even if you didn't listen to me. Now they have to pay the price - milk it for all you can big guy. You deserve every bit of attention you can get out of Beth and Mike - make them pay heavily for it. Put on a sad face and that will melt their hearts. The word is TOYS - new ones will be nice. You deserve them. Special treats will be nice, too. Try moping around the house, too, that is always good for some extra loving (Shadow told me that one). She said it worked for her when she had her surgery. Maybe you could whine and cry until one of them puts a pillow on the floor and sleeps next to you. That is a good one! You could use that for a long time.
I need to catch up on all the goings and comings around here. This moving is for the birds. Chance is so upset and I just follow Shadow around which makes her mad probably because I am hanging onto her leg or her tail. She is a good friend, but I don't think she likes this closeness.
Chance has finally come around - she was hiding and wouldn't even go into the living room because Connie's life size cutout of Dale Jr. was moved from his usual spot to the far end of the living room and Chance thought it was some guy standing there. She even messed on the kitchen floor she was so scared to go through the living room to the bathroom. I felt bad for her. She is pretty set in her ways and doesn't like change. She is in for a big surprise in a month or so.
Speaking of surprises - we send get well wishes to Remington who didn't listen to my words of advice a while back. We all still love you Rem, even if you didn't listen to me. Now they have to pay the price - milk it for all you can big guy. You deserve every bit of attention you can get out of Beth and Mike - make them pay heavily for it. Put on a sad face and that will melt their hearts. The word is TOYS - new ones will be nice. You deserve them. Special treats will be nice, too. Try moping around the house, too, that is always good for some extra loving (Shadow told me that one). She said it worked for her when she had her surgery. Maybe you could whine and cry until one of them puts a pillow on the floor and sleeps next to you. That is a good one! You could use that for a long time.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I can't seem to stay out of trouble
I have the worst time staying out of trouble. Although this time, Chance did help me. We played in the plants on the porch. We raced around them, through them and then dumped them on the floor. Russ called it "what a mess" when he went out there this morning and Connie just stepped over it saying she would clean it up when she got home. Connie had some bags of clothes to go to Goodwill. They are all covered with dirt and our back claws kind of scratched some holes in the bags so the clothes have dirt on them, too.
On a better note, I had a good time on Friday with Shelby. She and I talked a lot while she was rocking me on the glidder and foot stool. She is getting to be more fun and has been real gentle with me and I am gentle with her.
All for now
On a better note, I had a good time on Friday with Shelby. She and I talked a lot while she was rocking me on the glidder and foot stool. She is getting to be more fun and has been real gentle with me and I am gentle with her.
All for now
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Garage Kitty
Yes, I did it again. I was in the garage. No one knows when I went out there but Connie finally brought me in and when she went back out, I tried to get out again. She faked me out and headed back to through the porch and I ran ahead of her and got into the hall. She quickly turned around and got into the garage. She got what she wanted out of the freezer and when she came in, I ran between her legs and back into the garage. She said "where's my kitty" and I came right back in. Russ says there must be mice in the garage and that is why I go out there. He is right, but I am not going to tell Connie that. Apparently she does not like mice.
It was a quiet day today. Kellie came out and held me and rubbed my tummy. Other than that I just laid around in the sun. Nice to have a quiet day once in a while.
It was a quiet day today. Kellie came out and held me and rubbed my tummy. Other than that I just laid around in the sun. Nice to have a quiet day once in a while.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Back to my old ways
I really did it this time. I sneaked out of the breezeway into the garage when Connie went out to the freezer. I am sure she blames me, but who was it that left the breezeway door open?!?! I tried crying at the closed door, but it wouldn't open and no one came for me. I had to crawl back up under Russ' truck to keep warm. That brought back memories of riding to this house and then riding to town. It was very scary to think I did that when I was such a little guy. Well, apparently as it got to be bedtime, Connie missed me. I could hear her walking all over the house saying "where's my kitty" but she couldn't hear me answer her. She even opened the door to the garage but I couldn't get out from under the truck fast enough. She finally kept calling and I was able to answer her and she found me. I was so glad to see her and so hungry. I think I was gone for a long time but Connie says it was only a couple of hours. That could be a lifetime to a cold, hungry kitty. I have spent the last 20 minutes or so climbing on the computer and then she removes me, hugs me and cuddles me. She says I smell like I did when she found me in the woodpile - like oil and grease - must be from the truck. I think I will stay out of the garage. It is kind of a scary place to be. Well, it seems that it is my bedtime and if I play my cards right, I can get Connie to crash on the couch and I can cuddle next to her. I may have to spend most of the night washing my cute little body. Good night.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
I need help!
I was in trouble again. Connie was taking a shower and the water was too hot so she stepped backwards and I was in the tub with her. She said a naughty word and then said if we had a water softener the tub would have been so slippery that she could have fallen and got hurt. Now I have no idea what a water softener is and how that could have made her get hurt. I think she makes that stuff up just to make me feel bad.
She took Shadow outside with her when she went to do wood and after Shadow did her business, Connie dropped the leash around the handle of the wheelbarrow. After she got all the wood put in the stove, she turned around and Shadow had managed to get herself free and was heading towards the swamp. She would really like to run free, but that is kind of like letting me and Chance out of the house to play outside. It ain't gonna happen!!!!
I have been sleeping in the living room with Shadow. She is such a good friend to me. She never growls at me or snarls at me. She just gets up and moves out of my way. What a friend!
Happy Valentine's Day to Remington! We got your card - that was nice of you to remember us. I am hoping for hugs and kisses tomorrow from Connie. Maybe she will let me watch the race with her, too.
She took Shadow outside with her when she went to do wood and after Shadow did her business, Connie dropped the leash around the handle of the wheelbarrow. After she got all the wood put in the stove, she turned around and Shadow had managed to get herself free and was heading towards the swamp. She would really like to run free, but that is kind of like letting me and Chance out of the house to play outside. It ain't gonna happen!!!!
I have been sleeping in the living room with Shadow. She is such a good friend to me. She never growls at me or snarls at me. She just gets up and moves out of my way. What a friend!
Happy Valentine's Day to Remington! We got your card - that was nice of you to remember us. I am hoping for hugs and kisses tomorrow from Connie. Maybe she will let me watch the race with her, too.
Friday, February 5, 2010
A little more trouble
I got into trouble again yesterday morning only this time it was with Shadow. Connie and I were sleeping on the futon in the living room. Shadow was sleeping on the floor not far from us. She was snoring and it woke me up. I got down and went over to her so I could politely tell her to quit it. I kind of intwinded myself in her paws and face and it woke her up. She tried to get up and I was all tied up in her legs. She knocked me over and she slipped and started to fall, but caught herself. Connie was afraid she would fall on me and crush me. Shadow was not happy with me and just left the room. I looked at it as a victory for us non-snorers. Connie told Russ about it and he wondered why I hadn't woke her up and made her leave the room. He told her from the sounds she was making, there should have been enough wood to burn for a couple of nights. Now I didn't understand any of that, but Connie explained that when a person snores, sometimes they say "they are sawing logs". OH MY GOODNESS - all I could think about was the woodpile where she found me. Did she cut all that herself? Where would I have slept if the woodpile wasn't there? So I decided that "sawing logs" was not a bad thing. I think from now on I will just let everyone in this house snore as much as they want. I have such nice memories of being in the woodpile and Connie picking me up and holding me close to her. I am such a lucky cat!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
More trouble
Connie thinks "Trouble" should be my name. I got caught in the sink again and when I got out, instead of getting down, I just walked over in front of the toaster and parked my cute little butt on a towel that was laying there. I was picked up and put on the floor. You know, I kind of liked that attention, so I tried it a few minutes later. Connie was not very happy, but she just told me "no" and set me back on the floor. The towel was not there - she moved it after I sat on it the first time.
So, you know I have to go with Shadow when she goes outside. I don't go all the way out with her but to the outside door. Most of the time she goes out through the utility room. Well, last night I got tangled in her feet and legs. I got myself untangled and she started up the one step into the living room and I tripped Connie who was on her way back into the house. Connie screamed or yelled something about a "darn cat" (more on that later) and stumbled around me. Shadow doesn't hear very well, but she heard that and turn around and fell off the step and rolled over in the room. We were all pretty shook up over that. That Darn Cat was a movie from when Connie was in school - a long, long time ago.
So now to more trouble, but I was saved by Shadow. I got left in the utility room last night about 9:30 or 10 and no one noticed. So about 11, Shadow woke Connie up and she thought Shadow had to go outside to do some business. When Connie opened the utility room door, I came in and Shadow turned around and walked away. I am thinking Connie might not have been too happy with either of us, but she just turned about and went back to bed.
It was very cold in the house last night. There was something wrong with a pump so it kept getting colder and colder. There were plenty of blankets on the bed so I was warm and much warmer when I was let out of the utility room! Chance likes to be covered up with a blanket, but I need to be on top of the blankets and alert at all times because Shadow might need me.
All for now,
Connie thinks "Trouble" should be my name. I got caught in the sink again and when I got out, instead of getting down, I just walked over in front of the toaster and parked my cute little butt on a towel that was laying there. I was picked up and put on the floor. You know, I kind of liked that attention, so I tried it a few minutes later. Connie was not very happy, but she just told me "no" and set me back on the floor. The towel was not there - she moved it after I sat on it the first time.
So, you know I have to go with Shadow when she goes outside. I don't go all the way out with her but to the outside door. Most of the time she goes out through the utility room. Well, last night I got tangled in her feet and legs. I got myself untangled and she started up the one step into the living room and I tripped Connie who was on her way back into the house. Connie screamed or yelled something about a "darn cat" (more on that later) and stumbled around me. Shadow doesn't hear very well, but she heard that and turn around and fell off the step and rolled over in the room. We were all pretty shook up over that. That Darn Cat was a movie from when Connie was in school - a long, long time ago.
So now to more trouble, but I was saved by Shadow. I got left in the utility room last night about 9:30 or 10 and no one noticed. So about 11, Shadow woke Connie up and she thought Shadow had to go outside to do some business. When Connie opened the utility room door, I came in and Shadow turned around and walked away. I am thinking Connie might not have been too happy with either of us, but she just turned about and went back to bed.
It was very cold in the house last night. There was something wrong with a pump so it kept getting colder and colder. There were plenty of blankets on the bed so I was warm and much warmer when I was let out of the utility room! Chance likes to be covered up with a blanket, but I need to be on top of the blankets and alert at all times because Shadow might need me.
All for now,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A little more trouble
I got in trouble again. I got caught in the kitchen sink drinking some water. It had kind of a funny taste. Connie escorted me out of the sink and she went back to the computer and nosey me got back up there. Connie said what I was tasting was soap as she had just washed her hands and there was a bowl in the sink. So what I wanted to say, but I know my place and I kept my mouth shut. I guess she isn't the only crabby one in this house tonight!
I went outside in the snow the other night. My paw prints are still in the snow as I didn't move. I knew it was cold air coming in the house but I didn't know the snow was cold on my sweet little warm paws. No more plans to venture out. Oh by the way, it was not my idea to go out. I stuck my head out to watch Shadow and I was picked up and set down in the snow. Not a pleasant thing to have happen to me, but I am over it. I snuggled down with Connie at bedtime so she knew I wasn't mad at her.
Well all for now - I am going to go find a nice place to snuggle in again.
I got in trouble again. I got caught in the kitchen sink drinking some water. It had kind of a funny taste. Connie escorted me out of the sink and she went back to the computer and nosey me got back up there. Connie said what I was tasting was soap as she had just washed her hands and there was a bowl in the sink. So what I wanted to say, but I know my place and I kept my mouth shut. I guess she isn't the only crabby one in this house tonight!
I went outside in the snow the other night. My paw prints are still in the snow as I didn't move. I knew it was cold air coming in the house but I didn't know the snow was cold on my sweet little warm paws. No more plans to venture out. Oh by the way, it was not my idea to go out. I stuck my head out to watch Shadow and I was picked up and set down in the snow. Not a pleasant thing to have happen to me, but I am over it. I snuggled down with Connie at bedtime so she knew I wasn't mad at her.
Well all for now - I am going to go find a nice place to snuggle in again.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
More trouble and company
Hi all
Well, I got in trouble again but nothing too bad. I got locked in the utility room twice this weekend and when Connie went to bring me in the second time, she found me in the washer. I peeked out at her and she started to laugh. I have to be so careful to get out of the Utility room before Shadow does or I just get left behind.
The little girls were out tonight for about 30 minutes while Todd did some work at the wood stove. Chloe is afraid of me even tho Connie has said I don't have front claws. Shelby is not the least bit afraid of me and chases me all over the place. She even gave me a jellybean to play with and then chased me into a corner after it. I had a good time and Connie thinks I will sleep very good tonight. I don't think Shelby was with Connie too much. She was so busy chasing me that it gave Connie and Chloe some time to color and read books. Shelby did sit on Connie's lap for a few seconds while Connie was reading a book, but then I came into the room and the chase was on again.
It was a quiet day other than the girls coming here. We all just laid around and rested. I don't know where Chance went when Todd drove up and I haven't seen her since they left, but Connie says she will come around when she feels comfortable that everyone is gone.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Harley was here too. He likes to play with me and all of a sudden he is much bigger than I am. We used to be the same size. Shadow got so upset that he was in the house that she messed on the floor. Connie thought she might have a problem, but it turns out it was part of the Christmas tree. I haven't figured that one out yet and I thought it might be too personal to ask about so I will let it go for now. I am kind of thinking it might be the same as me and Chance. We sometimes get some of the Christmas tree in us too.
Well, I am going to go take a little snooze on the hutch. Connie turned on the little winter village and it is pretty warm up there.
Well, I got in trouble again but nothing too bad. I got locked in the utility room twice this weekend and when Connie went to bring me in the second time, she found me in the washer. I peeked out at her and she started to laugh. I have to be so careful to get out of the Utility room before Shadow does or I just get left behind.
The little girls were out tonight for about 30 minutes while Todd did some work at the wood stove. Chloe is afraid of me even tho Connie has said I don't have front claws. Shelby is not the least bit afraid of me and chases me all over the place. She even gave me a jellybean to play with and then chased me into a corner after it. I had a good time and Connie thinks I will sleep very good tonight. I don't think Shelby was with Connie too much. She was so busy chasing me that it gave Connie and Chloe some time to color and read books. Shelby did sit on Connie's lap for a few seconds while Connie was reading a book, but then I came into the room and the chase was on again.
It was a quiet day other than the girls coming here. We all just laid around and rested. I don't know where Chance went when Todd drove up and I haven't seen her since they left, but Connie says she will come around when she feels comfortable that everyone is gone.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Harley was here too. He likes to play with me and all of a sudden he is much bigger than I am. We used to be the same size. Shadow got so upset that he was in the house that she messed on the floor. Connie thought she might have a problem, but it turns out it was part of the Christmas tree. I haven't figured that one out yet and I thought it might be too personal to ask about so I will let it go for now. I am kind of thinking it might be the same as me and Chance. We sometimes get some of the Christmas tree in us too.
Well, I am going to go take a little snooze on the hutch. Connie turned on the little winter village and it is pretty warm up there.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Getting away with trouble
Hi all,
I have been in so much trouble lately, but Connie hasn't gotten mad at me at all. She has been very sad because some friends lost their cat. She was not lost really, but they had to put her down is what Connie told me. Connie puts me down every time she picks me up, but she explained what that meant and I felt sad too. I feel bad for Remington and his family and hope they will be ok. I also hope that if I get really sick Connie would be kind and do the same for me.
So on to my trouble. I tipped over a 5 quart pail of water all over the dining room carpet. Connie never said a word, she just cleaned it up. I was scared because I have done that before and she has gotten mad about it. This time she was just glad that I was there to do it - or at least that is what she said.
I went in the utility room when Connie was going to put Shadow out and decided to snoop around that room so I missed being let back in the house. I had to sleep all by myself and it was so lonely. About 3 AM today, Connie heard me and let me come out. She got in the recliner and I jumped up and layed on my back on her lap. We were like that for about an hour. It felt so good. She rubbed my tummy and I just purrrrrrrrrred.
Well, Shadow told me that tomorrow is Remington's birthday. I don't know when my birthday is so Connie is saying that my "birth" day is the day she rescued me from the woodpile. She said we will celebrate that day every year. I was ok with that as long as I can celebrate. The day she rescued me is very close to Chance's birthday, so maybe we can celebrate together.
Well, better go. Russ just got home and I can't miss a chance to be loved. Happy Birthday Remington.
I have been in so much trouble lately, but Connie hasn't gotten mad at me at all. She has been very sad because some friends lost their cat. She was not lost really, but they had to put her down is what Connie told me. Connie puts me down every time she picks me up, but she explained what that meant and I felt sad too. I feel bad for Remington and his family and hope they will be ok. I also hope that if I get really sick Connie would be kind and do the same for me.
So on to my trouble. I tipped over a 5 quart pail of water all over the dining room carpet. Connie never said a word, she just cleaned it up. I was scared because I have done that before and she has gotten mad about it. This time she was just glad that I was there to do it - or at least that is what she said.
I went in the utility room when Connie was going to put Shadow out and decided to snoop around that room so I missed being let back in the house. I had to sleep all by myself and it was so lonely. About 3 AM today, Connie heard me and let me come out. She got in the recliner and I jumped up and layed on my back on her lap. We were like that for about an hour. It felt so good. She rubbed my tummy and I just purrrrrrrrrred.
Well, Shadow told me that tomorrow is Remington's birthday. I don't know when my birthday is so Connie is saying that my "birth" day is the day she rescued me from the woodpile. She said we will celebrate that day every year. I was ok with that as long as I can celebrate. The day she rescued me is very close to Chance's birthday, so maybe we can celebrate together.
Well, better go. Russ just got home and I can't miss a chance to be loved. Happy Birthday Remington.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Tigger the Tiger
I made my first kill today. I had been hanging out in the hall closet most of morning, both me and Chance were. Well a couple of hours ago Russ asked Connie what I was playing with in the living room. She went in and looked and found this tiny tiny animal - a mole or shrew is what she said. I didn't want her to have it so I laid down on top of it and looked at her. She got a paper towel and when I turned my body towards Shadow who they said was waiting for a hot meal, she grabbed it. I didn't notice it was gone until it was too late. I was kind of upset with her, but she seemed to think it was an OK thing to do. I am now wondering if there might be more in that closet so I will pay more attention. I might have to keep my eye on Chance and if she heads that direction, I will just follow her and see what I can find. It is very cold out today and Shadow has only gone out once and she wasn't out very long. We had a deer laying in our yard last night and we all watched it until it was so dark out that we couldn't see it any more. Russ said he was pretty sure it was still there about 2 this morning when he looked. Connie walked over to where it was laying and said the snow was melted almost down to the grass so it might have been there for a long time. I hope it was OK. Russ said our crippled mama deer was at the feeder early this morning too. I don't like them and I glare at them every chance I can. Well, better go, Chance just headed to the closet and I don't want to miss anything. Tigger.
I made my first kill today. I had been hanging out in the hall closet most of morning, both me and Chance were. Well a couple of hours ago Russ asked Connie what I was playing with in the living room. She went in and looked and found this tiny tiny animal - a mole or shrew is what she said. I didn't want her to have it so I laid down on top of it and looked at her. She got a paper towel and when I turned my body towards Shadow who they said was waiting for a hot meal, she grabbed it. I didn't notice it was gone until it was too late. I was kind of upset with her, but she seemed to think it was an OK thing to do. I am now wondering if there might be more in that closet so I will pay more attention. I might have to keep my eye on Chance and if she heads that direction, I will just follow her and see what I can find. It is very cold out today and Shadow has only gone out once and she wasn't out very long. We had a deer laying in our yard last night and we all watched it until it was so dark out that we couldn't see it any more. Russ said he was pretty sure it was still there about 2 this morning when he looked. Connie walked over to where it was laying and said the snow was melted almost down to the grass so it might have been there for a long time. I hope it was OK. Russ said our crippled mama deer was at the feeder early this morning too. I don't like them and I glare at them every chance I can. Well, better go, Chance just headed to the closet and I don't want to miss anything. Tigger.
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